Silent Witness

If we are going to be the people God calls us to be, we can’t just love Him, ourselves, and those inside the church, we have to love those outside of the church. In some cases, we will have to have much patience to show them love, but we have to remember how much patience God has with us.

Verse 19 says Do not take revenge, but leave room for God’s wrath. As hard as it can be, we must leave this judgement up to God. We cannot be plotting revenge if we are truly trying to love others. We cannot be praying for their salvation if we are dreaming up ways to get them back for something.

If you have to do something to get over your mad then do something for them instead of to them.

Y’all the power of good that we have is so much greater than evil. We need to use that power to overcome evil. Don’t waver from good, feed your enemy, and help them in every way that you can think of.

Do you want your enemy to find Christ? Then be Christ. He is your silent witness and He lives in you, give Him a voice!

The world says pay people that wrong you back, Jesus says feed them. Overcome evil with good.

Jesus died thinking about each one of us, shouldn’t we be living thinking about Him?

Silent Witness Rev. Cheryl Farr
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