While a work in progress, this page is here to bring John Wesley’s sermons into today’s world, making them easier to read and understand. Over time, many of us in the Methodist tradition have lost touch with the core beliefs that make us who we are. Wesley’s sermons laid the groundwork for our faith, but the old language he used can feel like a barrier. If you’ve ever struggled through reading something like Beowulf in school, you know what I mean—it’s tough to connect with something when the words feel outdated. That’s why I’ve worked to put Wesley’s words into a modern, readable format. My goal is to help us rediscover the depth and richness of our Methodist roots. 
One of the reasons I think this is so important is that, over the years, our theology has been influenced by other denominations. With time, we’ve lost some of the distinct understanding that makes us Methodist. Wesley’s sermons hold the heart of our faith, but it’s easy to lose track of what those teachings really mean when they’re wrapped up in old-fashioned language. By putting his sermons into everyday words, I hope to make it easier for us to reconnect with what Wesley was really trying to teach and what it truly means to live as Methodists. 
This page isn’t just about rewriting sermons; it’s about helping us find our way back to the core of who we are. By revisiting Wesley’s teachings in a way that makes sense today, I believe we can get back to the heart of our faith and see how it applies to our lives now. My hope is that these sermons will inspire, challenge, and bring you closer to the essence of what it means to be a Methodist, reminding us all of the rich heritage we share.

Salvation by Faith A Sermon Delivered at St. Mary’s, Oxford, Before the University, on June 18, 1738 Ephesians 2:8 - "By grace are you saved through faith." Introduction: All the...

The Almost Christian Preached at St. Mary’s, Oxford, Before the University on July 25, 1741 “Almost thou persuadest me to be a Christian.” — Acts 26:28

Awake Thou That Sleepest Sermon by Charles Wesley Preached on April 4, 1742, at the University of Oxford “Wake up, you who are sleeping, and rise from the dead, and Christ will give you...

Scriptural Christianity Sermon by John Wesley Preached on August 24, 1744, at St. Mary's Oxford           “After they prayed, the place where they were meeting was...