1. In Galatians 4:1, Paul compares an underage heir to a:

2. What was the role of the law before Christ, according to Paul's analogy?


3. According to Galatians 4:4-5, why did God send His Son?

4. What term does Paul use to describe the close relationship believers have with God through Christ?

5. In Galatians 4:9, Paul expresses concern that the Galatians are returning to:

6. Paul refers to the Galatians' return to observing special days, months, seasons, and years as:

7. How did the Galatians first respond to Paul when he preached the gospel to them?

8. What does Paul express concern over in Galatians 4:11?

9. Paul says that God sent the Spirit of His Son into believers' hearts so that they may:

10. According to the sermon, what does living under the law represent?

[option1/]A. Complete spiritual freedom

[option2/]B. Bondage and restriction

[option3/]C. A path to earning God's favor

[option4/]D. A means of salvation

11. Paul argues that the Galatians' return to observing special religious days is a sign of their spiritual maturity.

12. Paul compares his relationship with the Galatians to that of a mother in childbirth, expressing concern for their spiritual growth.



13. In the sermon, the term "Abba" is explained as a formal, distant title for God.

14. According to the sermon, the law served as a final destination for those seeking God's favor.

15. Paul believes that once we are adopted as children of God, we should live in freedom guided by love and the Holy Spirit, not by legalism.

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