Got Your Excuse Ready? Have you got your excuse ready for why you won’t be going to church in the...
Finding God When Life Doesn’t Make Sense When life brings unimaginable pain, and understanding...
Pointing to the Light: A Preacher’s Heart and God’s Invitation Today, someone thanked me for...
The Beauty of Advent: Why We Shouldn't Skip the Journey to Christmas Advent is such a special...
Finding God in the Pause: The Sacred Gift of Rest Rest is so much more than just collapsing into...
Living Christ’s Love: Building Bridges in a Divided World As Christians, we’re called to live and...
I Still Choose You It’s the night before what would be my 29th wedding anniversary, and the...
Disciple or Christian? The "ReligiousInsite Report 2021" offers a deep dive into the beliefs and...
God is Already There Last weekend, I found myself in a situation that had me angrier than I’ve been...
Remembering my Cousin Ronnie It is with a heavy heart that I write this post, grappling with the...
Why State Laws Mandating Christian Practices in Public Schools Are Inappropriate This may be one of the...
Unity in Love: Restoring Wesleyan Principles in the UMC The rigidity of both progressive and...
I Will Stand In a time of significant change and division within the United Methodist Church, I...
Understanding the Crucifixion: Beyond Political Rebellion The narrative surrounding Jesus Christ’s...
Grace Over Law The New Covenant, as described by Jeremiah in Jeremiah 31:31-34, represents a...
Uniting in Purpose: The Power of Spiritual Gifts in the Church "Lord, I am no longer my own, but...
Putting the Pieces Together June 17, 2020 Five years ago, it was just a typical morning. I woke up,...
Masks and Personal Freedoms
In Memory of Phil 1939-2020