Jesus came to meet Cleopas on the road to Emmaus. He came to meet Cleopas at the time when Cleopas needed him the most because He knew Cleopas.
See, Cleopas wasn’t just some traveler to Jerusalem for Passover. Verse 13 tells us, “That same day, two of them were going to a village called Emmaus.” Two of whom? The answer to that is found earlier in the chapter. The women had run from the tomb back into town. Verse nine says, “And when they returned from the tomb, they reported all these things to the Eleven and to all the others.”
Cleopas and his companion were two of these others. They were followers of Christ. But, in their darkest times, they couldn’t see Jesus until God opened their eyes.
When you are in your darkest times, God wants to open your eyes. He wants to open your eyes to hope, but you have to open your bible to open your eyes to see the hope. You have to open your bible to see Jesus. He lives on every page and He lives in the hearts of all of us that look for Him.