Spiritual Gifts - Miracles

What is a miracle? A miracle is something that defies natural law. It is outside the scope of rationality and beyond human powers or natural law. A miracle is a supernatural event beyond anything we can understand. Paul writes in 1 Corinthians 12:10 that the working of miracles or, as the NIV states, “miraculous powers,” is a gift given by God through the Holy Spirit. There is a difference in miracles and the gift of working of miracles. A person may believe in miracles as a spontaneous act of God without ever really considering the gift of working of miracles where God grants a piece of His power to an individual in the same way that God grants the receiver of a gift of a word of knowledge a piece of His knowledge.

While Miracles today may not be a prevalent as they were in say, Moses’ day, or Elijah’s day, or in the time of Jesus and the early church, I believe they are possible. Because I believe that God is God and God is sovereign and that He can do anything He chooses to do. The problem I see most though is that people may give lip service to their belief in miracles, they don’t really expect to ever see one. And they sure don’t expect to ever receive the gift from the Holy Spirit of the working of miracles.

If we don’t believe that God can use us to work a miracle, how can He? If we can’t suspend our disbelief and believe, how can God use us to work a miracle.

1 Corinthians 12:7-11

Spiritual Gifts - Miracles Rev. Cheryl Farr
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