1. Paul compares believers under the law to heirs who are no different from slaves.

2. According to Paul, Christ came to fulfill the law and bring freedom.

3. In Galatians 4:9, Paul encourages the Galatians to return to the practices of the law.

4. John Wesley believed that the law was the final word in guiding believers.

5. Wesley emphasized that Christian freedom means abandoning all moral responsibility.

6. What term does Paul use to describe the relationship between believers and God after Christ's redemption?

7. In Galatians 4:4-5, who did God send to redeem those under the law?

8. What concept did John Wesley emphasize as a transformation from being a servant to a beloved child of God?

9. According to Paul, what term describes the forces of the law that kept people in bondage?

10. Which of the following did Paul express concern about regarding the Galatians?

11. What two elements does Wesleyan theology view as essential for spiritual growth and maturity?

12. What two aspects of the law does Paul contrast with freedom in Christ? (Choose Two)

13. According to Paul, what two benefits come from adoption into God's family?(Choose Two)

14. What two feelings does Paul use to describe his concern for the Galatians? (Choose Two)


15. According to Wesleyan theology, what two key components define Christian perfection? (Choose Two)

16. What two dangers does Wesley believe come with returning to the law after receiving grace? (Choose Two)

17. In Galatians 4:19, Paul likens his concern for the Galatians to what two painful experiences? (Choose Two)

18. According to Wesley, what two spiritual transformations occur when one becomes a child of God? (Choose Two)

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