1. According to Galatians 3:24, what does Paul use as an analogy for the law’s temporary role? (Choose one answer) 

2. Paul emphasizes that the promise made to Abraham was fulfilled through: (Choose one answer) 

3. What was the law’s primary purpose according to Galatians 3:19? (Choose one answer) 

4. In Galatians 3:24-25, Paul says that once faith in Christ has come, believers are: (Choose one answer) 

5. According to Galatians 3:28, which of the following distinctions does Paul say no longer matter in Christ? (Choose one answer) 

6. Paul argues that the law is opposed to the promises of God.

7. Paul teaches that, in Christ, believers are no longer heirs to Abraham’s promise.

8. The law was given 430 years after the covenant with Abraham and did not cancel the original promise.

9. According to Paul, righteousness comes by perfectly keeping the law

10. In Galatians, Paul insists that both Jews and Gentiles are equally heirs to the promise through faith in Christ.

11. How does Paul argue that the promise made to Abraham remains valid despite the introduction of the law? (Choose more than one answer)


12. In what ways does Paul say that unity in Christ breaks down divisions in society? (Choose more than one answer) 



13. What is the significance of Christ being referred to as the "Seed" in Paul’s explanation of the promise? (Choose more than one answer)



14. What does Paul say is the role of the law now that Christ has come? (Choose more than one answer)



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