We can take this inconceivable, unbelievable, fear-inducing pandemic and use this time to rebuild our relationship with God. We have it within our grasp to let Jesus become real to us again. We have time that we didn’t have a month ago.
Because of the good that God worked from that dark day on Golgotha, we will spend Eternity with Jesus.
What good can God work from these dark days in our lives? Can we use this time to let Him turn us back to Jesus being a priority in our lives at times other than Worship hour on Sunday Morning?
The good God wants to see is the good that can come from Jesus’ sacrifice. People misunderstand that sometimes. Our definition of good may include the virus going away and us getting back to our normal lives. God’s definition of good is that Jesus didn’t suffer and go through all that He did for people to ignore Him six days a week. God’s definition of good is that we accept Christ and spend time telling others about Him and what He has done in our lives.