God doesn’t wait for us to get our lives right to give us all of His peace and all of His grace. WE GET EVERYTHING IMMEDIATELY. Through the Gospel brought to us, bought and paid for by Jesus Christ, we get everything immediately upon profession of faith.
But, this gospel is one of the biggest things we get wrong. So often, we expect people to leave all of their sins behind them when they come to Christ. We forget verse eight. We forget that God showed His own love toward us by Christ dying for us while we were still sinners.
We think that people need to be a certain way, talk a certain way, act a certain way if they say they are Christians. Why is that??? God doesn’t expect it, if He did, we would not have salvation as soon as we have faith in Christ because we were still sinners. Who are we to say, who are we to expect people to reach perfection as soon as they say yes to Christ’s invitation?