Grace Baby, Grace

Active Faith: Walking in the Disciples' Footsteps

Mark 16:19-20 closes the Gospel with a powerful summary of the disciples' actions after Jesus' ascension: they went out and preached everywhere, while the Lord worked with them and confirmed the message by accompanying signs. This passage not only encapsulates the Great Commission but also exemplifies how the disciples put their faith into action. They didn’t just hold onto the teachings and miracles they had witnessed; they actively spread the word, transforming lives in the process. This active, outward expression of faith is a model for all Christians, challenging us to not only believe in the gospel but also to actively share it.

The disciples' example teaches us the importance of partnership in the gospel. They worked "while the Lord worked with them," highlighting that their efforts were empowered by divine collaboration. This partnership is critical to our efforts today. It reminds us that while we are called to act, our success depends not on our power, but on God’s presence and providence. As we engage in our mission, whether in our communities or beyond, we do so knowing that God is with us, guiding and amplifying our efforts.

Emulating the disciples means stepping out of our comfort zones and into our communities with boldness and faith. It involves initiating conversations about faith, serving those in need, and using our gifts to glorify God and draw others to Him. Just as the disciples did, we too are called to confirm the message of Jesus through our words and deeds, relying on the Holy Spirit to guide us.


This week, identify one way you can actively share your faith or serve others in your community. It could be through volunteering at a local charity, inviting a friend to church, or simply sharing a personal testimony of faith on social media. Make a plan to carry out this action, praying for opportunities to speak about your faith when they arise. Reflect on these experiences at the end of the week, considering how you can continue to incorporate these practices into your life.


Lord Jesus,

Thank You for the example of the disciples, who boldly went out to preach Your word, trusting in Your presence to empower them. Inspire me to follow in their footsteps, to not only hold my faith within but to actively share it with the world. Help me to recognize the opportunities You provide daily to testify of Your grace and truth.

As I step out to put my faith into action, work with me, Lord. Let Your Holy Spirit guide my words and actions so that they may bear fruit and bring glory to Your name. Strengthen my resolve and deepen my courage as I seek to live out the Great Commission. May my life reflect Your love and commitment to reaching others, just as the disciples did.

In Your holy name, I pray,



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